Monday, November 24, 2008

We stayed in the firm today and did a research on the setting of Private Pension Funds in Malaysia. This sentence is short, but the research ain’t. I can assure you of that!
We called Ministry after Ministry, private companies and e-mail consultants.

Later, we proof read the Facility agreement which we typed out. For 3 hours! Yes it’s a long article alrtie.

A typical day in the office day for us.

Looking back after I go through my time in Cheang&Ariff, I knew that what I’ve learn would be invaluable lesson in my journey as a student and stint as a Chambee.

Although sometimes it may be tough,
The people and places that may be rough,
Or do routine work and boring stuff,
The times that make you think you had enough!

But they’ll always be the times we’ll laugh.
Do things lawyers do on their behalf,
Enjoy the friendship, help the staff,
That make the difference; though things are tough.


Blogger Abel Cheah said...

Nice pose there heh

November 28, 2008 at 2:31 AM  
Blogger {Karming} said...

blog-walked. cheang & ariff seems fun!

November 29, 2010 at 5:29 PM  

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